Find all documents related to Biology education
Kursöversikter/Course overviews på svenska och engelska
- Registreringsblankett alla kandidatexamensarbeten
- Information to supervisors of BSc degree projects obs! engelska
- Information - Hur man skriver en populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning
- Bedömningsmall examination kandidatexamensarbete
Master degree project
- Registration form for master´s Degree project
- Powerpoint template - presentation of master's degree project
- Application to course "Work with laboratory animals"
- Check list/risk analysis before field work
- Information to supervisors of master's projects in Biology
- Information to supervisors of master's projects in Molecular biology
- Form for half-time evaluation of master's projects
- Guidelines for evaluation of Degree projects
- Evaluation form for grading master's theses in Biology and Molecular Biology
- Evaluation form for grading master's theses in Bioinformatics
- Information - How to write a popular summary
- How to write a scientific report in Molecular biology
- How to write a scientific report in Biology
Projects and applied works
- Registration form applied work
- Registration form projects in Biology and Molecular biology
- Registration form applied works and projects in Bioinformatics
- Evaluation form for examination of projects Biology and Molecular Biology
- Examination form, projects in Bioinformatics
Student documents in English
- Application of deferment of studies
- Application of credit transfer
- Application for changed specialisation within a programme
- Application for admission to later part of a programme
- Application for leave from studies within the Department of Biology
- Application for course expenses
- Application for mileage allowance
- Checklist/risk analysis before fieldwork
- Information dealing with problems during education
- Information about plagiarism and urkund (on new webpage)
- Localities - access and regulations (on new webpage)
- Safety regulations for students (on new webpage)
- IT help for students (on new webpage)
- Covid information for students at the Department of Biology (on new webpage)
- Map of the Biology building
- Map of the Ecology building
Studentdokument på svenska
- Ansökan om anstånd med start av program
- Ansökan om studieavbrott
- Ansökan om studieuppehåll
- Ansökan om tillgodoräknande
- Ansökan om byte av programinriktning
- Ansökan om antagning till senare del av utbildningsprogram
- Ansökan om milersättning (engelska)
- Ansökan om ersättning utlägg kurs
- Information om hantering av problem under utbildningen
- Information om plagiarism och urkund (på nya webben)
- Covidinformation för studenter vid Biologiska institutionen (på nya webben)
Dokument för lärare
- Timrapportering i Primula (pdf)
- Checklist Course Representative
- Checklista kursombud
- Erasmus traineeship incoming Biology december 2022 (pdf)
- Handledning tentavakt
- Handledning tentavakt engelska (=Instructions for exam invigilator)
- Instruktioner för on-line examination (svenska)
- Instructions for on-line examination (eng)
- Information om tilldelning för exjobb, projekt och praktik
- Instruktioner och ansvar för spåransvariga
- Kursbudgetmall VT23
- Kursbudgetmall ht 23
- Kursbudgetmall vt 24
- Kursbudgetmall ht 24
- Lärarnas planering 2021-2022
- Lärarnas planering 2022-2023
- Läsårsplanering 22_23 uppdaterad 220504
- Lärarnas planering 2024-2025