Master programme in Conservation Biology
120 credits
The rapid decline of ecosystems results in a global loss of biodiversity and thus there is an increasing demand for people working with environmental management. On the master’s programme in conservation biology, you will learn how to use modern ecology and genetics within management and restoration, as well as in studies on the loss of biological diversity. You will gain insight into global and regional aspects of biodiversity and restoration ecology, how population ecology is used as a tool in conservation, and learn to master the analytical methods used in conservation biology. Your teachers are active researchers in conservation biology so you will study in close association with an expanding, international research environment.
The master's programme provides a foundation for continued higher studies as well as for a diverse range of other careers within the public sector, forestry, agriculture and consultancy.
Get some inspiration to what the Master's programmes leads to. You find completed Master's degree projects in biology on LUP Student Papers.
Recommended course of study
Year 1
- Population and Community Ecology BIOR69
- Animal Ecology BIOR91, Modelling in Biological Systems BIOS13 and Processing and Analysis of Biological Data BIOS14, Global Ecosystem Dynamics NGEN17 - on the web site of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Sciences, or Nature Conservation BIOC05 - on our swedish web site. Please note that the course Nature Conservation is at Bachelor's level and given in Swedish.
Year 2
- Geographical Information Systems GISA21 (on the web site of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Sciences) or start of Master's degree project
- Modelling in Biological Systems BIOS13 and Processing and Analysis of Biological Data BIOS14, or Global Ecosystem Dynamics NGEN17 - on the web site of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Sciences
Degree requirements
Courses corresponding to 120 credits, of which should encompass:
Compulsory Courses, 45 credits
- Population and Community Ecology BIOR69, 15 credits
- Conservation Biology BIOR83, 15 credits
- Biological Monitoring BIOR39 or Water management BIOR66,15 credits
Elective Courses, at least 15 credits
- Biological Monitoring BIOR39, 15 credits
- Animal Ecology BIOR91, 15 credits
- Modelling Biological Systems BIOS13, 7.5 credits
- Plant Evolution and Adaptation BIOR77, 15 credits
- Processing and Analysis of Biological Data BIOS14, 7.5 credits
- Water Management BIOR66, 15 credit
Optional Courses, 0-30 credits
Master´s degree project in biology BIOM02/BION02/BION03, 30/45/60 credits
Degree title
Master of Science (Two Years)
Major: Biology with specialization in Conservation Biology

Lotta Persmark, Study advisor, biology and bioinformatics
Telephone: +46 46 222 37 28
Email: Lotta [dot] Persmark [at] biol [dot] lu [dot] se (Lotta[dot]Persmark[at]biol[dot]lu[dot]se)